Horseradish vs Sauerkraut: Which Comes out Top?

Horseradish vs Sauerkraut: Which Comes out Top?

Horseradish vs Sauerkraut: Which Comes out Top?

Sauerkraut and horseradish are two staple condiments in Central European cuisines. While they share some similar qualities, there are distinct differences between these fermented foods. This article explores horseradish vs sauerkraut – comparing their flavours, health benefits, and culinary uses.

horseradish vs sauerkraut - which reigns supreme?


Taste and Texture

Horseradish has a very pungent, spicy flavour. The root contains allyl isothiocyanate, which gives it its signature heat and bite. When grated fresh, horseradish has a crisp, crunchy texture. It can be quite intense and sinus-clearing.

Sauerkraut has a tangy, salty, sour flavour from lactic acid created during the fermentation process. It has a soft, chewy texture from the fermented cabbage leaves. The taste is strong but not spicy like horseradish.

Key Differences:

  • Horseradish is spicy, pungent, and crunchy while sauerkraut is sour, tangy, and soft.

Nutrition and Health Benefits

Both sauerkraut and horseradish provide health benefits, owing to their probiotic content and antioxidant properties.

Sauerkraut is rich in probiotics like lactobacillus, which are beneficial bacteria that aid digestion. The fermentation process also increases the bioavailability of nutrients in cabbage. Sauerkraut contains fibre, vitamins C, K, B, and folate.

Horseradish contains allyl isothiocyanate, which has antimicrobial properties. It also contains glucosinolates, which are sulphur-containing compounds with cancer-fighting antioxidant effects. Horseradish has antibiotics and oils that clear sinuses, alleviate respiratory congestion.

Key Differences:

Culinary Uses

Both sauerkraut and horseradish are extremely versatile ingredients used across cuisines.

Sauerkraut is most commonly used:

  • On sandwiches like Reubens and sausages
  • As a condiment for sausages, hotdogs, and cured meats
  • In soups like borscht, stews, and casseroles
  • In pierogi, dumpling, and stuffed cabbage fillings
  • Accompanied with sausages in meals

Horseradish is most commonly used:

  • As a condiment for beef, fish, sandwiches, potatoes and salads
  • In creamy horseradish sauces and dips for meats
  • In dressings, marinades, and rubs to add kick
  • Grated into dishes like mashed potatoes for extra heat
  • Added to sauerkraut to add flavour

Key Differences:

  • Sauerkraut is often cooked into dishes like soups and stews, while horseradish is usually added as a condiment or sauce.
  • Horseradish has more uses as a spicy flavour boost for things like dressings and marinades.

Should You Choose Sauerkraut or Horseradish?

In the battle of horseradish vs sauerkraut, neither is definitively “better” – they both have unique flavours and uses. Here are some factors to consider when choosing between them:

  • Taste preference: Choose sauerkraut for tangy saltiness or horseradish for nose-clearing spice.
  • Intended use: Sauerkraut works better cooked into dishes, horseradish as a condiment / flavouring.
  • Health goals: Sauerkraut has more probiotics, horseradish has more antioxidants. Choose based on benefits you seek.
  • Ingredients on hand: Sauerkraut can be made fresh or bought ready-made easily. Fresh horseradish may be harder to source.
  • Combining them: Many recipes call for sauerkraut AND horseradish to maximise flavour and nutrition!
sauerkraut vs horseradish

The verdict? Both sauerkraut and horseradish are flavourful, versatile ingredients to keep stocked in your fridge. Let your taste preferences and cooking goals help you decide which one to reach for. Or try using both together for a flavour packed punch!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some other fermented foods like sauerkraut?

Some other fermented foods include kimchi – also made from cabbage, kombucha, kefir, yogurt, tempeh, miso paste, and pickles.

What are good food pairings with sauerkraut?

Sauerkraut pairs well with pork, sausages, corned beef, potatoes, and cheeses like Swiss and cheddar. It’s great on Reuben sandwiches.

What are good food pairings with horseradish?

Horseradish goes well with beef, seafood like oysters and smoked salmon, roasted veggies, deviled eggs, and cheese spreads.

How can I make sauerkraut at home?

To make sauerkraut at home, thinly slice and salt cabbage. Pack into a jar and press down to remove air pockets. Cover and let ferment at room temp for 4-6 weeks until sour.

How do I store sauerkraut and horseradish?

Store both in the refrigerator after opening. Sauerkraut keeps for months while horseradish keeps for up to 8 weeks. Freeze grated horseradish with a bit of water in ice cube trays.

What is a good sauce recipe with horseradish?

Mix sour cream, mayo, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and freshly grated horseradish for a creamy cocktail sauce for seafood.

Can I substitute fresh horseradish?

Prepared horseradish can substitute for fresh grated root in most recipes. Use about half as much since jarred horseradish is preserved at peak spice.