Gut guy says – welcome to my site!

No wait, it’s Flo Rida that says that! Whatever! This site aims to describe the journey I have been on, describing how I have reduced my BMI, now have better health outcomes and generally feeling better!

Over the years I’ve had a varying relationship with food. This has resulted in fluctuating weight, high BMI and periods when I’ve caught every disease going. However, part of that is as a consequence of having two young kids (my germ sponges). Over the last few years I’ve had a major reset in my relationship with food. This started by embracing fermentation.

The journey is this website!

This site is all about that journey!

However, if you are interested in the actual story, you can find it in this blog post describing the good gut guy’s journey to weight loss and a new sense of health and wellbeing.

My core belief now is that fermentation has been the key that has led to me having improved health outcomes.

Some examples of this have been giving up alcohol, sugar and carbohydrates, becoming a healthy body mass index (BMI), all of which helped me turn my life around! This all led to me being a much better dad than I could ever have dreamed of!

Self validating

Through writing this site, I have found it self-validating. This has helped reinforce all the positivity that I have built for myself over the last few years. I hope that you find it gives you encouragement, interest and enthusiasm.

I do intend very much for this to be a live site and will continue to add regular new content so I hope you find yourself coming back for more.

this site has helped me - the good gut guy to keep focussed on my goals - staying healthy, keeping weight off and being a good dad

This site is not intended for medical advice

This site isn’t intended as medical advice.

Throughout this site I do touch on the science, all of this has been taken from peer reviewed sites, however it is my interpretation based upon my understanding of the literature.

However, I believe that fermented foods and drink have been the catalyst for all of the positive outcomes that I have experienced, including dramatic weight loss, muscle gain and subsequent reduction in BMI to healthy levels I have made over the last few years.

My most proud moment has been giving up alcohol, and I have now been dry since December 2021.

In my mind, drinks such as water kefir, apple cider vinegar and kombucha have helped me do this. Meanwhile, eating an abundance of fermented veg, has allowed me to keep a steady blood sugar level, complementing me following the keto diet.

My new lifestyle has helped me from piling on the weight on the scales

Since starting the gut guy journey

I have taken a keen interest in a lot of areas.  I have become a huge fan of people such as Tim Spector – debunking food myths and promoting good gut health.  Dr Rangan Chatterjee has become a staple both in my reading, but also on my commutes to work.  I have been working on my sleep, meditation, resetting the circadian rhythm.  In fact, I recently saw Dr Chatterjee in a local cafe and wanted to go up to thank him for helping turn my life around.

And occasionally, I dabble in the work of Dr Andrew Huberman, if I want to give my brain a good workout.

A lot of this could be done independently, but I believe that taking up the hobby of fermentation, has been my ‘meta habit’ encouraging all of these lifestyle changes and learning.  Whilst developing the good gut guy website, gives me focus and reminding me of why I started this journey.

If this is the first time you’ve discovered my site, then welcome.  And I hope you find it interesting and enjoyable.  And if you’re a return visitor, then thank you!


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